New BePulp Sustainable Packaging Solutions!
The booming demand for our BePulp Sustainable Packaging Solutions is driven by major food trends as: consumer in search for convenient eating and consumer increasing Eco Behaviour.
Convenience foods: Today’s convenience food offer is dictated by the fast casual generation, the Millenials. They are hunger for healthy, on the go or delivered eating experiences. They expect the best, still affordable, food options. They want their food served quickly and for it to be handmade, fresh and above all healthy. Both established and new brands will have to deliver on all points if they are to succeed.
Eco Behaviour: It is not just what is in the food that counts, the consumers pressure for transparency extends to the packaging. Shoppers want recycled, compostable options with smaller environmental footprint. 68% of consumers want to know about the “green”/environmental credentials of the packaging used to serve food.
To go or delivered foods show a more local, artisanal, seasonal and utra fresh look in our natural coloured BePulp packaging. We are happy to present 5 new BePulp solutions that enhance from know on our sustainable packaging solutions.
See here the 5 new BePulp Solutions at a glance!