PP donation for orthopaedic protheses
As a leading plastic manufacturer, we were happy to recently donate PP (Polypropylène) raw material to the Humanitarian Prosthetists and Orthotists (H.P.&O.) Belgian organization.
This PP is usually mainly used for the making of our Fastpac delivery range. We are glad we could help the generous and hard-working people behind this organization.
H.P.&O was founded in 2012 and is since then active in West-Africa sharing its orthopaedic knowledge and technology and helping local population (focusing on children) getting a better access to prostheses.
If you want to know more (in FR): https://fr.hpo-lab.org/missions-sur-le-terrain/
Direct donations are always needed and welcome: H.P.&O. asbl / bank acc.: BE83-0016 8964 4515 / BIC:GEBABEBB